챔버레인 가라지 오프너 Logic Board 교체하기 (CHAMBERLAIN LIFTMASTER Garage Opener)

Replace the Logic Board of CHAMBERLAIN LIFTMASTER Garage Opener

어느날 갑자기 외출시 돌아와보니 차고문이 열려있길래 나가면서 차고문을 안닫고 나간줄 알았습니다. 그런데 몇일이 지나고 또 아침 출근길에 나가보니 차고문이 열려져 있질 않겠습니까? 유심히 관찰해보니 차고문이 갑자기 스르르 열리더군요. 챔버레인 리프트매스터 시리즈 가라지 오프너로 교체한지 5,6년이 지난것 같아 확인해보니 워런티 기간은 이미 지났고, 오프너를 새로 교체하자니 인건비까지 해서 몇백불이 지출될것 같아 챔버레인에 일단은 문제의 원인을 알아보고자 메일을 보냈습니다.

아래는 챔버레인측으로부터 받은 답변입니다.


Why is the opener activating by itself?

Dear XXX,

Thank you for contacting Chamberlain Technical Support. Below is a response to the inquiry you recently submitted on our website.

There are a few different reasons why the opener may be activating by itself. Here are the reasons and how to troubleshoot them:

Answer Title: Why does my garage door opener activate on its own?
Answer Link: http://chamberlaingroup.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/232

If you have done any programming of a device to your opener just before you noticed the “Phantom operation” this is the only way a neighbor’s remote may have been programmed in. When you press the programming or “learn” button, you are leaving your programming channel open for up to 30 seconds. Anyone pressing a remote control within range of your opener could program into your opener during this time.

If you have further questions or If you would prefer to troubleshoot with me over the phone, provide me with the best phone number and time to contact you.
Chamberlain Product Support


I have followed your instruction to fix the issue.
But all of steps were failed except replacing the receiver logic board.
The opener is still operating by itself.  Sometimes, it was closing by itself too or opening half of the garage door.
I am concerning a lot on this behaviors that could lead some worst cases of my garage door and people.
Please provide me detail instruction to replace the logic board and replacement of logic board.
Since this is a defect of your product, you company should fully support this as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.

Dear XXX,

Thank you for providing the serial number for the opener. I emailed a response to you but perhaps you did not get it. Here is is again:

It appears this opener is about 4 years old. The best price I can offer you for a logic board would be $ 62.50 plus shipping ($10.70).

Parts can be ordered directly through us or through an authorized dealer. For a dealer referral please visit Lift Master’s website athttp://www.liftmaster.com/cw/dl/selector/ .
Dealer prices may vary.

If you would like, try to find a better price from a dealer or the internet first. You will want to be sure the part number is 41AC075 or 41AC075-2A. Both of these numbers are for the same board and both are for your opener.

If you need further assistance or would like me to place an order for you, please reply to this email and provide a good time to call.
Chamberlain Product Support


이후 아마존에서 Logic Board를 주문하여 ($60) 직접 교체를 하였더니 다시는 스스로 열리는 현상이 발생하지 않더군요.
몇백불을 들여 새로 오프너를 바꾸지 않고 일이 잘 해결되었습니다.

차고문이 스스로 열리는 원인은 리모트 컨트롤이나 기타 센서 오작동 등 여러가지 문제가 있으니 만일 차고문에 이상이 있다면 여러가지 경우를 염두에 두고 테스트를 해보시기 바랍니다.

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