[Enjoy Chicago] Effective June 18, 2021, King Spa & Sauna opens 24 hours after limiting the hours due to COVID-19.

New services have been added to King Spa & Sauna, Niles, IL.

For Men & Women

CBD Oil Treatment (90 min) …… $180
CBD Oil Massage (60 min) …… $140
CBD Oil Massage (90 min) …… $180

These services are eligible for a free admission ticket that can be used within 30 days.


Admission fee $50
Base Rock Room $5
Scrub (30 min) $85 for Female
Gold Aroma (80 min : Scrub/Oil Treatment For Relaxing) $140 for Female
Body Scrub (30 min) $75 for Male
King Scrub (70 min) $130 for Male
CBD Oil Treatment (90 min) $180
Royal Special Massage (40 min) $80
Swedish Gold Massage (60 min) $105
Swedish Gold Massage (90 min) $140
Acupressure Massage (60 min) $105
Acupressure Massage (90 min) $140
Stone Massage (90 min) $150
Foot Massage (40 min) $65
Foot Massage (60 min) $90
Foot/Chair Combo (40 min) $65
Foot/Chair Combo (60 min) $90
Express Facial (40 min) $80
Collagen Facial (60 min) $130
Deluxe Facial (90 min) $175
King Diamond Peel (90 min) $210
CBD Oil Massage (60 min) $140
CBD Oil Massage (90 min) $180
V-Steam Herb (30 min) $40 for Female

  • Service fees do not include the admission into the facility. Everyone must pay the admission fee in order to enter.
  • Children under 24 months cannot be admitted into the facility.
  • Tip is not included.


809 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL. 60714
Tel : 847-972-2540 / Open 7 days & 24 hours

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